Monday, April 21, 2014

SOKOINE DAY RUN: Thanks and congratulations to all Tanzanians

Posted by Unknown  |  Tagged as:

It was a hard day with many challenges caused by wet conditions, but it was 'Mission Accomplished' Thank you Mr. President and Speaker of Parliament to come to support us.

For my memory I have never seen a great caravan and caravan if accompanied national president of the United Republic of Tanzania. It was a good opportunity to see the rulers of this country that leads the coalition celebrates its half century of history, imbued with special and peace.

Caravan included prominent people who include former President Benjamin Mkapa, retired prime ministers Salim Ahmed Salim and Edward Lowassa, Mama Maria Nyerere, the Speaker of Parliament Anna young ones, the Minister for Information, Youth, Culture and Sports, Dr. Fenela Mukangara and very many MPs.
 All athletes were very excited to find this rare opportunity to see our rulers putting garlands in the tomb of Sokoine hero. I would like to apologize for the shortcomings that could happen, and so far there are things that we continue Perfects. We also promised to improve competition in partnership with our stakeholders on legal ones.
  source: gidabuday blog.


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