Sunday, January 26, 2014


Posted by Unknown  |  Tagged as:

Morogoro. Major floods have occurred in the County of Dumila , Kilosa in Morogoro and causing hundreds of people homeless with River Bridge Group , which is part of the Kilosa District and Mvomero carried away.

The floods were caused by heavy rains that began falling yesterday morning, causing major disaster including destruction of people's homes, government buildings , including schools, colleges and courts.

News also say the floods were caused by heavy rain that started falling the night before yesterday in the mountains part of Kilosa and Mvomero , so the river to fail to withstand the water.

Witnesses said they saw the corpse of a man hovering in the water that was going by so fast , an event which was confirmed by the ward councilor of twine , Juma Rajab you . You said that was seen as dead in the water area of Mateteni and police were given the information to be saved . Until yesterday evening the number of people affected by the disaster was not yet known.

Water widen in various villages around the river and forcing some people forced to escape by climbing onto the roofs of their houses while others went up the tree .Some people have found it flooded fields and the times of chronic water and power were delivered to hold various objects including trees , with some losing wearing clothes they had when they were in the process of saving .

Police who came to the area for evacuation had to ask for helicopters from the military headquarters in Dar es Salaam to rescue people who were on the roof of the house and into the woods surrounded by water .Morogoro Regional Commissioner Joel Bendera he wants to continue with patience when the regime became more and rescue procedures that are on the trees and provide assistance to those affected.He said that given the situation , his office was forced to request helicopter for increasing the strength of the recovery effort.
big surprises
The flooding sparked moved a large amount of people scattered disposal unable to do, due to their houses destroyed and their property taken and products such as water .The situation was worse for mothers with children who appeared in groups if they seek help after displacement , with many having been soaked due to rained upon.

I no see blame than governing as it shows not located there is careful for disasters occurring since not this Dumila that failed find solutions on time and fast but there is so much happened as bombs mbagara, bombs Gongolamboto, people were running loose and loss of life and lack of immediate assistance because the government is not attention to disasters.


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