Sunday, September 28, 2014

Wheelchair tennis duo for World Cup 2017

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Tanzania wheelchair tennis duo boards a flight to Istanbul today where they are scheduled to compete at the World Team Cup championship next week.

The team will make a stopover in Nairobi for two days training before proceeding with their flight to Turkey.

Tanzania Paralympics Committee (TPC) chairman Johnson Jansen said the team was supposed to leave the country on Saturday but their sponsors who happen to be Friends of Children of Tanzania (FCoT) suggested the stopover in Nairobi for training.

Jansen said the trainings will help the players to acquaint themselves to playing on clay courts and also to save cost as it is economical boarding a flight from Kenya to Istanbul than Dar es Salaam.

Players representing the country in the world event are Novatus Emmanuel and Juma Hamis. The BNP Paribas World Team Cup which will be played in Antalya from May 20-26.

Accompanying the players are three officials Mathew Selevani, coach Riziki Salum and technical director Tony Angeline.

The wheelchair tennis event is reminiscent to Davis Cup and Fed Cup in international stage.

This is the first time for Tanzania players to compete at the event hosted by different nations each year. The tournament comprise various divisions, including men, women, and juniors.

Meanwhile, Egypt Air has donated air ticket to Angeline to attend a two days wheelchair coaches course in Turkey.
 source: the gudian


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